Tech Craft
How-to, tips and tricks for working with today's technology. Covers Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Exchange Server 2003, IIS 6.0 and SQL Server 2005.
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Tweaking Microsoft Management Consoles and MMC Administration
Tweaking Microsoft Management Consoles and MMC Administration
Tools MMC has two operating modes:
In author mode, you can create and modify a console’s design by adding or removing snap-ins and setting console options. In user mode, the console design is frozen, and you cannot change it. By default, the prepackaged console tools for administration open in user mode. To open in author mode, right-click the tool’s icon, and choose Author. That's right, simply right-click the related menu item on the Administrative Tools menu, and then choose Author. You will then have full design control over the console. Just be sure to save the modified console with a new name.
William R. Stanek |
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